Genender: That's a good question, and not something I know. Genender:这是个好问题,也是我不知道的东西。
That's a good question, and the reason will become clear shortly. 这是一个好问题,并且答案将慢慢明晰。
That's a good question, but I don't want to go into it now. 这个问题提得很好,但我现在不想深入展开。
That's, well, that is a really good question, as in fact, science is still working on it. 那个是个好问题,现在还有很多科学家还在研究这个问题。
That's a good question for the dummies in the lab. 用实验室的假人做个实验会很好。
Yeah. Student: Do nonhuman primates'smiles Professor Paul Bloom: That's a good question. 非人的灵长类微笑,好问题。
How did I get the number? That's a good question. 我怎么查到?问得好。
That's a good question walt, I'll ask him when I find him. 问得好,沃特,等我找到他我问问他。
Well, that's a good question. 噢,这问题可把我难倒了。
So this doesn't fall, for example, at6 a nought, but that's a really good question. 比如这在6a0的时候不会掉下来,但这个问题很好。
Yes? Ah, that's a very good question. 有什么问题吗?恩,这个问题提的好。
That's never a good question. 从来不是个理想的问题。
That's a good question, particularly in today's world. 这是一个好问题,在今天的世界很有相关性。
That's a very good question The question is, what is the geometric significance of an equation like x y z equals to1,2,3 or something else? 问得好,你的问题是,在方程x+y+z=1或2或3中3,常数项的几何意义是什么?
That's a very good question! 这个问题提得好!
That's a really good question and it's definitely a question that we have been grappling with. 这个问题很好,而且绝对是,我们一直在尽力克服的问题。